Hi my name is Jennifer Cosgrove. I am the clubs safeguarding officer. The ladies section play a great variety of competitions & match play. I achieved my ambition to be Ladies club champion in 2023.
Hi my name is Graeme McIntyre. I love the social side as well as the golf at Hollandbush. Golf then watch the football with a pint. Doesn't get much better.
Hi my name is Alison Johnston. I have been a member since 2003. I have served on the board for 20 years. I am delighted to be Lady captain in the clubs 70th year.
Hi My name is Gordon Brown. I have been a member at Hollandbush since I was a junior. I am delighted to be Club captain in this our 70th Year. I have been on the committee for over 20 years.
Joe is also our greens convenor & meets with the greens staff regularly.
Yvonne is a very keen golfer who enjoys all the different formats Hollandbush has to offer.
Jim is a member of 10 years & returns for a second stint on the committee.
Keith has been a member for a number of years & is a new member of the committee this year.
Scott is another new member on the committee.
Hi my name is Craig Shankley, I am delighted to be Gordons vice-captain this year.
Most people know me in the clubhouse as "wee Doad" I have been a member of Hollandbush for 40 years.